Frequently Asked Questions
What are the benefits of purchasing a health and safety manual for my business?
There are many benefits of ensuring a proper health and safety program is implemented within your business, such as:
Can I request to add more policies or procedures to your templates made specific to my type of business?
Yes you can! Our safety manual templates have been developed to meet with the minimum legal requirements for each province which all businesses must follow. Howeevr, we can add additional safety and health policies to our templates which can be developed, by one of our consultants, to be made specific to your business tasks. The cost for additional policies or procedures are as follows: SALE PRICE COST OF THE TEMPLATE + Additional Health and Safety Policy $69.95 per policy Additional Safe Work Procedure Procedure $69.95 per procedure Additional Forms - 1 Page Form $69.95 I 2 Page Form $79.95 I 3 Page Form $99.95 Additional Exposure Control Plan (i.e. Lead, Asbestos, Silica, Bloodborne Pathogens) $149.95 per ECP Payment for the upgrade of our templates must be made prior to the actual upgrade. The upgrade itself will take anywhere from 3 to 5 business day to complete. A copy of your upgraded health and safety manual template will be emailed to you in MS Word and PDF format upon completion. We will also add in your company logo and company into the program for you. How can I purchase one of your safety manual templates? It's very easy. Scroll down the webpage you are looking to purchase the safety template from and click on the BUY NOW button. Once you place your purchase an MS WORD format copy of the manual including forms will automatically be sent to your email address. From there all you need to do is add in your company LOGO and company NAME into the program (instructions are provided or you can email us with your logo and company name and we will happily do it for you). Ensure you spell your email correctly when placing your order. If for any reason upon purchase you do not see the templates in your email inbox (please also check your spam folder), no problem, just contact us and we will immediately email you a copy. Can I edit my safety manual template? Yes You can! Upon succesful purchase you will receive your safety manual template in MS WORD format, which means you can edit your document at anytime. The table of contents is also automatically adjustable. Will you insert my logo and company name into the template for me? Yes we will! After you place your purchase, please email us ([email protected]) with your order number, logo and company name. One of our staff will happily develop this for you and email you your completed safety manual within 1 to 2 business days. Do your templates need to be updated every year to meet with any regulation changes? First of all, the occupational health and safety regulations across Canada do not change as frequently as you might think they do. It is very rare and takes many years of amendment approvals before any regulations change. If for any reason regulations do change within a province - we will email all our clients to advise them which sections of your program need changing. We simply will email you the paragraph or sentence which needs to be changed/edited and you simply just cut and past it into your document. It's that easy! Why would I want to purchase the custom manual over the much more affordably priced templates OHS2GO offers? The affordable templates we offer for businesses across Canada are for minimum provincial OHS regulation compliance. This means, that all businesses must by law have these elements developed in their safety manual and implemented throughout their business. The best way to describe our affordable safety manual templates is: "It is better to have something in place for your employees; rather than nothing". Not having minimum regulation compliance within your business can result in major fines, penalties, sanctions or stop work orders - especially if their is a death or serious injury within your work environment (which is much more detrimental to your business then receiving expensive fines). Your safety manuals will be your first line of defense (due diligence). You can have our safety manual templates upgraded to add business specific policies and procedures at anytime for the following additional prices: Additional Health and Safety Policy $69.95 per policy Additional Safe Work Procedure Procedure $49.95 per procedure Additional Forms - 1 Page Form $69.95 I 2 Page Form $79.95 I 3 Page Form $99.95 Additional Exposure Control Plan (i.e. Lead, Asbestos, Silica, Bloodborne Pathogens) $149.95 per ECP The custom safety manual we offer is much more expensive than our templates, however, most large businesses do prefer the custom programs. Our custom safety manuals are over 400+ pages in length and are built specific to your business operations including the provincial minimum requirements. Our custom safety manuals are also guaranteed to pass COR/SECOR, Isnetworld, RAVS and Complyworks audits. Here is what you receive with our custom safety manuals: HEALTH AND SAFETY POLICY MANUAL (up to 40 to 50 policies) NEW & YOUNG EMPLOYEE SAFETY ORIENTATION PACKAGE SUB-CONTRACTOR SAFETY ORIENTATION PACKAGE NEW! COVID 19 SAFETY PLAN SAFE WORK PROCEDURES (industry specific and up to 30 procedures) FORMS PACKAGE What if your safety manual template has a policy in it that does not apply to my business, can your template still work for my business? Absolutely! If for any reason our template has a policy within it that does not apply to your business, simply delete it from your manual. Once you have deleted the policy, simply update your table of contents (we have provided you with instructions on how to do so) . For example, a Joint Health and Safety Committee is only required in certain provinces when you reach a certain amount of employees employed within your business. If you have less than 10 employees let's say for Saskatchewan or less than 20 employees for BC, Alberta, Manitoba and Ontario; then by regulation you will not need a JHSC committee or this policy within your manual, so simply delete it from your manual. It's that easy. Will the affordable templates OHS2GO sell from your website; pass COR or ISNETWORLD audits? The affordable templates we sell from our website have been developed for basic and minimum occupational health and safety regulation compliance as required for all businesses across Canada. These safety manual templates have been developed to ensure your business is in minimum regulation compliance and so your business does not have to face possible fines, penalties, sanctions or stop work orders by local government authorities. What is included with my Template upon purchase? Each safety program template we offer has been developed in accordance with each provincial health and safety regulations across Canada. So for example, if you purchase the BC safety manual template then that template has been designed to meet with BC occupational health and safety regulations. If you purchase the Alberta safety manual template then that template has been designed to meet with Alberta occupational health and safety regulations, and so on for each particular province. You will receive your safety program manual template including safety forms in MS WORD .doc format; which means you can make edits, changes or additions to your program at anytime. You will receive customization instructions in PDF format which will clearly outline how to insert your company logo to each page, how to change your title page picture and how to insert your company name into the entire document in just a few clicks of a button (YOU DO NOT NEED TO MANUALLY INSERT YOUR COMPANY NAME PAGE BY PAGE) - our instructions will outline how to do this for the entire document; very quickly. Are OHS2GO health and safety programs / manuals recognized in the industry? Absolutely. Our written occupational health and safety manuals have been developed by certified and professional health and safety consultants with a combined experience in occupational health and safety of over 60 years. Our health and safety programs, manuals, policies and procedures are recognized across Canada by federal, provincial, municipal, and private organizations and individuals. I am a small business in Canada with less than 10 employees. Do I really need a written health and safety program manual for my business? Every business in Canada is required by legislated LAW to have a written occupational health and safety manual in place. All businesses in every province across Canada, are required by provincial occupational health and safety regulations & legislation to ensure an effective OHS safety program is developed and implemented for their employees. The first step towards developing an occupational health and safety program for your small business in Canada is to develop a written health and safety manual which includes the proper safety procedures and policies pertaining to your business and in compliance with the provincial health and safety regulations. This manual will be the foundation of your overall health and safety program in the form of written policies and procedures; along with usable forms to ensure your company's due diligence. Failure to comply with provincial OHS safety regulations in Canada, can result in very expensive and hefty fines, penalties, sanctions and stop work orders by local government safety officers. Don't let this happen to your company. Our health and safety programs and manuals have been hand crafted by certified and professional health and safety consultants with a combined experience of over 60 years. Is it safe to use my credit card and purchase your on-line digital safety programs from your website? Yes, it is absolutely 100% safe. Your personal and credit card information is very safe at and we take site and data security as a serious issue. The website uses a SSL secure connection and 128-bit encryption to ensure that your data is secure. With regards to the safety and privacy of your credit card, we've implemented a state-of-the-art e-commerce solution for Our site offers strong security by encrypting your credit card information in such a way that it is not accessible by employees within OHS Safety Manuals Canada, or by anyone who would try to compromise the security of As a result, our site meets the rigorous security standards set by many privacy watchdog groups and standards set by the Internet community in general. When you entered your credit card in our store, only the last four digits of your card are visible on the site. Even you (or anyone who logs in as you) cannot access the details of your credit card from our store. If you still do not feel comfortable purchasing online - no problem - just give us a call or email us and one of our customer service representatives can process your payment over the phone. What forms of payment does OHS2GO accept? We accept credit card payment over our secure website or over the phone. We accept Visa, Master Card, American Express, Discover and JCB. There is also an option to pay using PayPal, however this transaction can only be made through the phone with our customer service representatives. Can OHS2GO build custom and site specific health and safety programs for businesses or are their programs just available online? Yes, for a different price point we can develop and customize your company's personal health and safety program based on your specific business and industry. Our online digital safety programs / manuals are a more quicker and cost effective solution for small businesses where they can purchase the overall foundation of a health and safety program and then build upon it based on their industry. Custom programs are designed based on your industry, number of employees and the type of services you offer. Information on customized health and safety programs can be viewed here. Contact us for a quotation. If we purchase one of your online digital health and safety manuals how can I customize it myself to meet with my industry? On each of our purchase website pages (buy now option) we have outlined in detail as to the contents of your health and safety manual in the form of policies, procedures and forms. If for any reason certain policies or procedures are not available in our ready to buy online programs - you can purchase separate policies from us at a very reasonable rate. Or the other option for you would be for us to customize your health and safety manual at a separate cost. You can have our safety manual templates upgraded to add business specific policies and procedures at anytime for the following additional prices: Additional Health and Safety Policy $69.95 per policy Additional Safe Work Procedure Procedure $49.95 per procedure Additional Forms - 1 Page Form $69.95 I 2 Page Form $79.95 I 3 Page Form $99.95 Additional Exposure Control Plan (i.e. Lead, Asbestos, Silica, Bloodborne Pathogens) $149.95 per ECP What is you return policy on online purchases? As all of our products are digital software, delivered instantly once payment is received, it is impossible for you to return a product to us for a refund. However, we do allow our customers to review their provided programs for a period of 30 days, and if within these 30 days they find any errors in our documents, we will do our utmost best to correct the situation for you. We will make all required corrections to your program, within 5 business days, at no extra cost to our client. Our main objective here at OHS2GO is your absolute satisfaction with our product, and to ensure this OHS2GO will take every possible step to correct the situation for you until you are 100% satisfied. Any errors found in our documents can be immediately reported to 1-888-232-0322 or [email protected] and one of our representatives will do their utmost best to ensure your complete satisfaction. If during your online or over the phone purchase order, you do not receive your digital products on time by email, we will gladly refund your purchase amount in full. Once I purchase my online program, do I get my health and safety program in paper or electronic version? You will receive your safety program in electronic MS Word format only. All documents are created in Microsoft Word so you can edit them to suite your specific requirements. The templates are delivered to your provided email address immediately upon purchase. Our custom safety programs are sent to you via email or a download link depending on the size of your program. How long does it take to get my documents after I purchase them? Template: An electronic MS Word format of your safety program manual template (or other purchased policies and procedures) are delivered immediately to your provided email address upon purchase by way of a download link. Custom Program: The customized health and program manuals are delivered usually within 1 to 2 weeks from the time we get the answers to our customization questions/requirements form back from you. This program is delivered to by you email upon purchase of the custom safety program manual in PDF and MS Word files. We will send you an invoice based on our quotation agreement at the end of the project. All invoices are due within 15 days from the date on the invoice. Can I edit the online digital safety program manuals I purchased from OHS2GO? Absolutely. You will receive an editable MS Word format of your safety program manual upon purchase. You can edit, delete or add on content to your safety program manual template at anytime. |